

The authors are not responsible for any implications that stem from the use of this software.

Quick Installation

The package is available on PyPI, but can also be installed from the sources. For instance, to install the package via PyPI on Linux machines, type:

$ sudo pip install bufferkdtree

To install the package from the sources, first get the current stable release via:

$ git clone

Subsequently, install the package locally via:

$ cd bufferkdtree
$ python install --user

or, globally for all users, via:

$ sudo python build
$ sudo python install


The bufferkdtree package has been tested under various Linux-based systems such as Ubuntu and OpenSUSE and requires Python 2.6 or 2.7. Below, some installation instructions are given for Linux-based systems; similar steps have to be conducted on other systems.

To install the package, a working C/C++ compiler, OpenCL, Swig, and the Python development files (headers) along with setuptools need to be available. Further, the NumPy package (>=1.6.1) is needed.

On Ubuntu 12.04/14.04, for instance, the following command can be used to install most dependencies (except for OpenCL):

$ sudo apt-get install python2.7 python-dev swig build-essential python-numpy python-setuptools

On an OpenSUSE system, the corresponding command is:

$ sudo zypper install python python-devel swig python-numpy python-setuptools


The implementation is based on the efficient use of implicit hardware caches. Thus, to obtain good speed-ups, the system’s GPU has to support this feature! Current architectures such as Nvidia’s Kepler architecture exhibit such caches, see, e.g., the Kepler GK110 Whitepaper.


OpenCL needs to be installed correctly on the system. In addition, make sure that the OpenCL header files are available as well and accessible during the installation process, e.g., by setting the C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable in the .bashrc file on Linux-based systems. For instance, given CUDA along with OpenCL, the header files are probably located in /usr/local/cuda/include. Hence, the following command would update the environment variable accordingly (if needed):

export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$C_INCLUDE_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/include

Virtualenv & Pip

As for most Python packages, we recommend to make use of virtualenv to install the package. To install virtualenv on recent Debian/Ubuntu-based systems, the following commands can be used to install virtualenv and pip:

$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv python-pip

Afterwards, a new virtual environment can be created to install the Numpy and the bufferkdtree package:

$ mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
$ cd ~/.virtualenvs
$ virtualenv bufferkdtree
$ source bufferkdtree/bin/activate
$ pip install numpy==1.6.1
$ pip install bufferkdtree