
The following two examples sketch the use of the different implementations and can both be found in the examples subdirectory of the bufferkdtree package.

Toy Example

import numpy
from bufferkdtree.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

n_neighbors = 10
plat_dev_ids = {0:[0]}
n_jobs = 1
verbose = 0

All implementations are provided via the NearestNeighbors class, which exhibits a similar layout as the corresponding class of the scikit-learn package. The parameter n_jobs determines the number of threads that shall be used by the standard k-d tree implementation (CPU). The parameter plat_dev_ids determines the OpenCL devices that shall be used by the buffer k-d tree implementation (OpenCL): Each key of the dictionary corresponds to a OpenCL platform id and for each platform id, a list of associated device ids can be provided. For instance, the first platform (with id 0) and its first device (with id 0) is used for the current example.

Next, a small artificial data set is generated, where X contains the points, one row per point:

X = numpy.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(10000,10))

The package provides three implementations (brute, kd_tree, or buffer_kd_tree), which can be invoked via the algorithm keyword of the constructor:

# (1) apply buffer k-d tree implementation
nbrs_buffer_kd_tree = NearestNeighbors(algorithm="buffer_kd_tree", \
                        tree_depth=9, \
                        plat_dev_ids=plat_dev_ids, \
dists, inds = nbrs_buffer_kd_tree.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
print("\nbuffer_kd_tree output\n" + unicode(dists[0]))

# (2) apply brute-force implementation
nbrs_brute = NearestNeighbors(algorithm="brute", \
                        plat_dev_ids=plat_dev_ids, \
dists, inds = nbrs_brute.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
print("\nbrute output\n" + unicode(dists[0]))

# (3) apply k-d tree mplementation
nbrs_kd_tree = NearestNeighbors(algorithm="kd_tree", \
                        n_jobs=n_jobs, \
dists, inds = nbrs_kd_tree.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)
print("\nkd_tree output\n" + unicode(dists[0]) + "\n")

For a detailed description of the remaining keywords, see the description of the documentation of the NearestNeighbors class. The above steps yield the following output:

Nearest Neighbors

This example demonstrates the use of the different
implementations given on a small artifical data set.

buffer_kd_tree output
[ 0.          1.0035212   1.09866345  1.11734533  1.13440645  1.17730558
  1.1844281   1.20736992  1.2085104   1.21593559]

brute output
[ 0.          1.0035212   1.09866357  1.11734521  1.13440645  1.17730546
  1.18442798  1.20736992  1.2085104   1.21593571]

kd_tree output
[ 0.          1.0035212   1.09866357  1.11734521  1.13440645  1.17730546
  1.18442798  1.20736992  1.2085104   1.21593571]


Note that the brute-force implementatation is only used for comparison purposes given data sets in relatively low-dimensional search spaces. Its performance is suboptimal for high-dimensional feature spaces compared to matrix-based implementations that make use of e.g. CUBLAS (but superior to such implementations given low-dimensional search spaces).

Large-Scale Querying

The main purpose of the buffer k-d tree implementation is to speed up the querying phase given both a large number of reference and a huge number of query points. The next data example is based on astronomical data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (the data set will be downloaded automatically):

import time
import generate
from bufferkdtree.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

# parameters
plat_dev_ids = {0:[0,1,2,3]}
n_jobs = 8
verbose = 0

Note that four devices (with ids 0,1,2,3) of the first platform (with id 0) are used in this case. The helper function defined next is used to time the runtimes needed for the training and testing phases of each method:

def run_algorithm(algorithm="buffer_kd_tree", tree_depth=None, leaf_size=None):

    nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, \
                            algorithm=algorithm, \
                            tree_depth=tree_depth, \
                            leaf_size=leaf_size, \
                            n_jobs = n_jobs, \
                            plat_dev_ids=plat_dev_ids, \

    start_time = time.time()
    end_time = time.time()
    print("Fitting time: %f" % (end_time-start_time))

    start_time = time.time()
    dists, inds = nbrs.kneighbors(Xtest)
    end_time = time.time()
    print("Testing time: %f" % (end_time-start_time))

Note that either tree_depth or leaf_size is used to determine the final tree depth, see the documentation. For this example, large sets of reference (two million) and query points (ten million) are generated:

print("Parsing data ...")
Xtrain, Ytrain, Xtest = generate.get_data_set(NUM_TRAIN=2000000, NUM_TEST=10000000)
print("-------------------------------- DATA --------------------------------")
print("Number of training patterns:\t %i" % Xtrain.shape[0])
print("Number of test patterns:\t %i" % Xtest.shape[0])
print("Dimensionality of patterns:\t%i" % Xtrain.shape[1])

Loading the data this way should yield an output like:

Nearest Neighbors

This example demonstrates the use of both tree-based
implementations on a large-scale data set.

-------------------------------- DATA --------------------------------
Number of training patterns: 2000000
Number of test patterns:     10000000
Dimensionality of patterns:  10

Finally, both implementations are invoked to compute the 10 nearest neighbors for each query point:

print("\n\nRunning the GPU version ...")
run_algorithm(algorithm="buffer_kd_tree", tree_depth=9)

print("\n\nRunning the CPU version ...")
run_algorithm(algorithm="kd_tree", leaf_size=32)

The above code yields the folling output on an Ubuntu 14.04 system (64 bit) with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K running at 4.00GHz (4 cores, 8 hardware threads), 32GB RAM, two Geforce Titan Z GPUs (with two devices each), CUDA 6.5 and Nvidia driver version 340.76:

Running the GPU version ...
Fitting time: 1.394939
Testing time: 11.148126

Running the CPU version ...
Fitting time: 0.681938
Testing time: 314.787735

The parameters tree_depth and leaf_size play an important role: In case tree_depth is not None, then leaf_size is ignored. Otherwise, leaf_size is used to automatically determine the corresponding tree depth (such that at most leaf_size points are stored in a single leaf). For kd_tree, setting the leaf size to, e.g., 32 is usually a good choice. For buffer_kd_tree, a smaller tree depth is often needed to achieve a good performance (e.g., tree_depth=9 for 1,000,000 reference points).


The performance might depend on the particular OpenCL version Nvidia driver. For instance, we observed similar speed-ups (per device) with a weeker Gefore GTX 770 given CUDA 5.5 and Nvidia driver version 319.23.

Tree Construction

Both implementations are based on the standard rule for splitting nodes during the construction (cyclic, median based). Other splitting rules might be beneficial, but are, in general, data set dependent. Other construction schemes will be available in future for all tree-based schemes.