bufferkdtree (C sources)
C source code for the Python bufferkdtree implementation
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bufferkdtree (C sources) Documentation

If you wish to adapt the buffer k-d tree implementation, then you might want have a look at the C and OpenCL code that is available in the bufferkdtree/src directory. A good starting point for diving into the details of the underlying implementation is the base.c file in bufferkdtree/src/neighbors/buffer_kdtree directory.

Within this file, you can find two functions build_bufferkdtree and neighbors_extern: The first function is called via the Python interface to build a buffer k-d tree given a set of reference/training points. These points are stored in the array FLOAT_TYPE * Xtrain (one row per training pattern).

FLOAT_TYPE is either float or double depending on the compiler flag USE_DOUBLE, which is defined in bufferkdtree/neighbors/buffer_kdtree/setup.py.

The corresponding tree is stored in the tree_record structure. All other parameters are defined via the params structure, which is initialized beforehand via an outer call of init_extern. The second function neighbors_extern can be called via the Python interface to compute the nearest neighbors for a buffer k-d tree already built via the first function: Here, Xtest corresponds to the test/query points. The distances and indices that are computed during the execution are stored in distances and indices, respectively. Similarly to build_bufferkdtree, the parameters are stored in params and the (already built tree) in tree.

The key idea of buffer k-d trees is to speed up the computation of nearest neighbors given many test queries. The two main algorithmic building blocks are two functions, ProcessAllBuffers and FindLeafBatch, that are called in an alternating fashion until all queries have been processed. For the algorithmic details, please have a look at

Fabian Gieseke, Justin Heinermann, Cosmin Oancea, and Christian Igel. Buffer k-d Trees: Processing Massive Nearest Neighbor Queries on GPUs. In: Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 32(1), 2014, 172-180. [pdf]

For each of these two functions, a corresponding implementation in gpu_opencl.c can be found(process_all_buffers_gpu and find_leaf_idx_batch_gpu). The underlying workflow is quite complex; please get in touch with us in case you have trouble understanding certain parts of the code.

If you are just interested in the OpenCL part, then you might want to have a look at kernels subdirectory: The most important kernel is given in brute_all_leaves_nearest_neighbors.cl, which implements the brute-force processing of nearest neighbors in the leaves of the buffer k-d tree. The kernel taking care of finding the next leaves is given in find_leaves_idx_batch_float.cl.